When thinking of Hungary, such treasures might spring to mind as ground paprika from Kalocsa, Herend porcelain, or Hungarian operettas … But do you know when the first the refreshing spritzer was drunk, what hive stones are, or how the delicious Karcag mutton stew is made? Though it would take an age to list all Hungarian natural and cultural treasures, this extraordinary book gives a taste of the most remarkable and enjoyable Hungarian products, inventions, and natural phenomena.
This brand-new photo album by Ágnes and József Attila Fucskár is a guide to the amazing and pleasant world of Hungarikums. Packed with pictures, this book presents the most outstanding inventions and products created by Hungarians. Intriguing life stories, gastronomic tours, and cultural treats take you on a pleasurable journey to discover the creative side of Hungary.